Sunday, October 18, 2009

Aaaand Jeff and Nikki got married, too

The fourth and final wedding this fall for me was the wedding of Jeff and Nikki. I've known Jeff since I was a freshman in high school, and Nikki a sophomore. I was also in the play where they met and started dating, so it's been great growing up and watching them grow and develop as a couple. Fun fact: Jeff played Nikki's dad in this play. Scandal!

The wedding was quite nice, at The College Club in Boston. Everyone looked great. And I ate a lot of fantastic apps.

Jeff and Nikki getting their weddin' on!

Eating some delicious cake and kissing.

Aaaaand some dancing.

I'm all wedded out until July '10, when my good pal and former roommate Kristen ties the knot!

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