Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 28 of the 30 Day Song Challenge

I meant to blog this earlier, but after returning from Burlington, our weeks went to shit. Ricky got some bad family news (everyone's okay now) and there was a terrible accident at the company I used to work at where someone was sadly killed. The following week was spent reflecting on the prior and just taking a break from things. This is cheesy, but let everyone in your life know how much you care about them.

So this weekend I'm feeling recovered and ready to return to the internets. I'm not sure what to even write for today's challenge.

Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty

Guilty?! I'm not sure music even makes me completely guilty. I did some serious thinking on this. And decided to go with Buddy Holly. Not really guilty, but more sad that his talented and seemingly happy life was cut short by a plane crash at a young young age. I mean, I have outlived him by FIVE YEARS at this point, and TEN YEARS for Ritchie Valens. I think at first I wasn't feeling strong about my choice, but the more I think about it... I do feel guilty about them dying so young in such a horrific looking plane crash. It might be cheesy basing this on The Day The Music Died, but ah well.

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